Melissa's Italian Kitchen
Le Pizzette
Mini Pizzas
Le pizzette are a popular snack (una merenda) in Italy. You'll often find them served in bars.
They are usually topped with some sugo di pomodoro (tomato sauce) and la mozzarella.
750g Pizza or 00 Flour
14g Brewer's Yeast
400ml Warm Water
100ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4 tsp Sugar (check instructions on yeast packet)
3 tbsp Table Salt
400ml Tomato Sauce
1 Ball Fresh Mozzarella
750g Farina da Pizza 00
14g Lievito di Birra
400ml Acqua Tiepida
100ml Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva
4 Cucchiaini di Zucchero
3 Cucchiai di Sale Fino
400ml Sugo di Pomodoro
1 Mozzarella Fresca
Nella foto: un'impastatrice, il lievito, la farina e l'olio d'oliva
Passo 1 - Step 1
È ora di cucinare!
It's time to cook!
Place la farina - the flour, il lievito -yeast, lo zucchero -sugar and il sale - the salt in a mixing bowl - una ciotola. Use the dough hook attachment to mix them together.
Piano piano - gradually add l'acqua -the water and l'olio extra vergine d'oliva - the extra virgin olive oil. Make sure you tap the sides of the bowl to loosen any flour that has stuck.
A ball of dough should form after the water and oil have been added. Mix on the lowest speed setting for 10 minutes. Afterwards, you should have a ball of dough as pictured below.
Passo 2 - Step 2
Lascia riposare l'impasto - Leave the dough 'to rest' in the bowl, covered with a warm, damp cloth for 2 hours. Dopo, l'impasto sarà raddoppiato di volume - Afterwards, the dough will have doubled in size, as pictured above.
Togli l'impasto dalla ciotola - Remove the dough from the bowl. It should be very elastic and will shrink a little when handled.
Spargi un po' di farina - Sprinkle a little flour over a clean work surface and using un matterello - a rolling pin, stretch out half of the dough.
Use una tazza - a cup or a cookie cutter per fare dei dischi - to make discs.
Dab some kitchen roll in olive oil and lightly grease una teglia - a baking tray. Poi sistema i dischi nella teglia - Then spread the discs out on the tray.
Passo 3 - Step 3
Spalma il sugo di pomodoro sulle pizzette - Spread the tomato sauce over the pizzette. (The tomato sauce is il sugo di pomodoro and the recipe is found on the Pasta, Risotto and Sauces page.)
Spargi l'origano - sprinkle the oregano over the sauce then spargi la mozzarella - crumble the mozzarella over the top by hand.
Cook in il forno - the oven, preheated at 220°C for 12-15 minutes.
Serve right away or enjoy cold as a snack - una merenda.
Buon appetito!
Le pizzette sono pronte da mangiare!
I Consigli di Melissa
Try running a 'test batch' with the first round you cook in the oven. Try different sizes and thicknesses until you find the one you like best.
Once you have flattened the dough a little with the rolling pin, you can stretch out the rest by hand like un vero pizzaiolo italiano - a real Italian pizza chef.
Le pizzette keep well in the freezer. Make sure you wrap them individually with cling film so they don't stick together.
You will need un'impastatrice - a standing mixer for this recipe. It guarantees the dough will be mixed evenly and will save you from having very sore arms!