Melissa's Italian Kitchen
La Besciamella
La besciamella is one of the salse madri (mother sauces). They are called 'mother sauces' because they are fundamental and the base for many classic dishes. Il sugo di pomodoro (tomato sauce) is another 'mother sauce'.
On this page, let's learn how to make la besciamella so that we can use it to prepare delicious lasagne and pasta al forno and so much more!
1 Litre Whole Milk
60g Butter
Plain Flour
Ground Nutmeg
Table Salt
Black Pepper
1 Litro di Latte Intero
60g Burro
Noce Moscata
Sale Fino
Pepe Nero
Step 1
È ora di cucinare!
Heat the milk in a saucepan on medium heat.
Melt the butter into the milk and add the nutmeg (noce moscata) table salt (sale fino) and black pepper (pepe nero).
Step 2
When the milk is hot use one hand to stir with a wooden spoon and the other hand to gently sieve the flour over the top.
Continue to add the flour a little at a time until it's the consistence of custard. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.
La salsa è pronta!